Monetize Your Value

When I say monetize your value I mean that if you’ve got to make money, make money in the place of your value. Your value is comprised of your personality, your purpose, your professional experience, and your personal identification. All of that encompasses answers to: Who are you? Where have you been? What have you done for somebody else? and How do you see or define your purpose and identify your reason for being here? So when I say monetize your value, I mean find a way to make money in the midst of the things that actually make you tick. Doing things only for the purpose of making money leads to a life of misery. Aligning with your purpose on the other hand, becoming so keenly aware of what it is you were meant to do and how it is that you were made, and finding ways to create value out of those things is your clear path to success. it’s your life blood. It’s your birthright. Answering the call to purpose is the way you can live with more authority and more power everyday.

So how do you monetize your value? What are the practical, actual steps to do this?

Get Still

You’ve got to get still and hide behind whatever veil you find meaningful. If that for you is a veil is religious spirituality, you betta get still and pray. If your veil is self development and growth, you betta find a guru or sensai. Whatever your “still” place is, connect with it internally on a daily basis. Only there will you truly find what value you bring to the world.

Get Creative

Be outlandish with this thing. Can’t help but talk about the rainforest? If you want, start a podcast about frogs. There is someone waiting to hear more about frogs just the way you are describing them. You talking about frogs the way only you do is going to bring the right attention to your cause. If you want, make a t-shirt with your favorite motivational phrase. Guaranteed, somebody out there is going to change their lives completely after reading it in the line at Starbucks.

Innovate your own lane

Don’t worry about trying to fit in to what someone else has done, created, or pre-prescirbed as an appropriate way for you to express those things that give you the most meaning. Remember the road is always under construction. Even if you think you have carved out the perfect lane for yourself, the moment it starts to feel stale, go back to basics, tear everything up, and innovate another time.

There are infinitely many ways for you to Get Still, Create, and Innovate. Whatever you do, go to it from a healthy happy place that provides energy to your soul and invigorates you for the next phase of life.